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dc.contributor.authorLlanderal Quiroz, Alfonso 
dc.contributor.authorGarcía-Caparrós, Pedro
dc.contributor.authorLao Arenas, María Teresa 
dc.contributor.authorSegura, Maria Luz
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to compile DRIS (Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System) norms and sufficiency ranges for pepper grown in greenhouses and the determination of the variation in DRIS norms and sufficiency ranges during the different phenological stages of the crop. The DRIS norms and sufficiency ranges were constituted by 367 leaf samples of Capsicum annuum L. which were collected in different phenological stages of the crop (flowering (FL), fruiting (FT), fruit development (FD), and harvesting (HV)). Two sufficiency ranges were developed; one including all leaf samples and the other considering the leaf samples by phenological stages ((FL) (44), (FT) (96), (FD) (100), and (HV) (127)). Furthermore, 10 DRIS norms and CV were calculated from N, P, K, Ca, and Mg. Two ratios of them were calculated in FL (N/P and N/K), two in FD (N/P and Ca/N) and one in HV (N/P) showing low CV, meaning, according to DRIS norms, the essential role of these nutrients in the crop nutrition. Moreover, the sufficiency ranges computed by all database were: N (34–56), P (1.9–4.3), K (30–51), Ca (12–33), and Mg (4.0–15) (mg g−1 DW), respectively. The data obtained in this experiment highlighted the importance of the sensitivity (low CV) of nutrient in the phenological stages such as happened with N.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectCapsicum annuumes_ES
dc.subjectDiagnosis and Recommendation Integrated Systemes_ES
dc.subjectMediterranean climatees_ES
dc.subjectnutrient balancees_ES
dc.titleDRIS Norms and Sufficiency Ranges for Pepper Grown under Greenhouses Conditions in the Southeast of Spaines_ES

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