Mostrando items 201-300

    Mexico (2)
    National brand (2)
    online learning (2)
    open innovation (2)
    pandemic (2)
    Panel data (2)
    panel data (2)
    perceived risk (2)
    perceptions (2)
    Planificación de marketing (2)
    populism (2)
    poverty (2)
    profitability (2)
    Promoción de ventas (2)
    Quantile regression (2)
    R&D investment (2)
    reclaimed water (2)
    Resource-based view (2)
    retailing (2)
    reuse (2)
    Scale development (2)
    scientometric analysis (2)
    Sector industrial (2)
    Segmentation (2)
    segmentation (2)
    SEW (2)
    social media (2)
    soil health (2)
    Spatial analysis (2)
    state-of-the-art (2)
    subadditivity (2)
    subjective knowledge (2)
    Sustainable development (2)
    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2)
    sustainable entrepreneurship (2)
    sustainable local development (2)
    Televisión (2)
    tertiary water (2)
    transactional leadership (2)
    transformational leadership (2)
    treated wastewater (2)
    Turismo de negocios (2)
    unconventional water resources (2)
    video tutorials (2)
    waste (2)
    waste management (2)
    water (2)
    water resources (2)
    water resources management (2)
    water scarcity (2)
    water use efficiency (2)
    worldwide research (2)
    Zapping (2)
    2020 stock market crash (1)
    3E (1)
    ABC Plan (1)
    Absorptive capacity (1)
    Academic performance (1)
    accountability (1)
    Accounting (1)
    accounting fraud (1)
    Accounts receivable (1)
    administrative process (1)
    adoption of information systems (1)
    adsorbent (1)
    Advertising budget (1)
    Advertising management (1)
    Advertising strategies (1)
    advice (1)
    Africa (1)
    ageing (1)
    Agri-food companies (1)
    agri-food companies (1)
    agri-food cooperatives (1)
    agri-food industry (1)
    agri-food sector (1)
    agri-food supply chain (1)
    agricultural advisers (1)
    agricultural advisory services (1)
    agricultural cooperatives (1)
    agricultural development (1)
    agricultural innovations (1)
    agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS) (1)
    Agricultural Management System (1)
    agricultural production (1)
    agricultural waste biomass (1)
    agricultural waste management (1)
    Agrifood industry (1)
    agrifood sector (1)
    Agroalimentación (1)
    airlines (1)
    alignment (1)
    Almeria (1)
    alternative agri-food networks (AAFNs) (1)
    alternative banks (1)
    alternative crop (1)
    Amazon (1)
    ambidexterity (1)
    American aid (1)
    Amplitud de colaboraciones (1)