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dc.contributor.authorFernández Carreño, David 
dc.contributor.authorEisenbeck, Nikolett 
dc.contributor.authorCangas Díaz, Adolfo Javier 
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Montes, José Manuel 
dc.contributor.authorDel Vas, Laura G.
dc.contributor.authorTorres María, Alejandro
dc.description.abstractBackground/Objective This study aimed to adapt the Personal Meaning Profile-Brief (PMP-B) to the Spanish-speaking population and investigate its psychometric properties. The PMP-B is a 21-item instrument that assesses meaning in life through seven sources: relationship, intimacy, achievement, self-acceptance, self-transcendence, fair treatment, and religion. Method Participants were 546 Spanish adults comprised of a community sample (n = 171) and university students (n = 375). The PMP-B, the Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-Being, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale were administrated. Results The PMP-B showed a bifactor structure with one general factor and seven subfactors. Measurement invariance was found across age, gender, and samples. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were generally good. Older people showed higher PMP-B scores than younger people. The PMP-B scores, especially relational sources of meaning, were positively associated with psychological well-being and negatively related to psychological distress, mainly to depression. Conclusions The validity evidence gathered in this study supports the reliable use of the PMP-B to measure meaning in life. The PMP-B can be a noteworthy contribution to the meaning-centered research.es_ES
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Clinical and Health Psychologyes_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 20(2), 151-162es_ES
dc.subjectsentido en la vidaes_ES
dc.subjectbienestar psicológicoes_ES
dc.subjectmalestar psicológicoes_ES
dc.subjectPersonal Meaning Profilees_ES
dc.titleSpanish adaptation of the Personal Meaning Profile-Brief: Meaning in life, psychological well-being, and distresses_ES

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