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dc.contributor.authorVázquez Flores, Erika Estefanía 
dc.contributor.authorLópez Rodríguez, Lucía 
dc.contributor.authorNavas Luque, María Soledad 
dc.contributor.authorBoughaba, Firdaws
dc.identifier.citationVázquez-Flores. E., López-Rodríguez, L., Navas, M., & Boughaba, F. (2023). Getting closer to the minority Culture: Experimental evidence of cultural enrichment to increase attributions of morality and majority adoption of Moroccan cultural patterns. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 96(2): 101864.
dc.description.abstractAcculturation is a bidirectional process in which both the majority and minority groups change as they relate to each other. In Spain, studies have usually focused on the acculturation of minorities (e.g., Moroccans) upon their arrival in Spanish society, but little has been said about the acculturation of the majority. In this study, we analyzed whether making salient the richness of the Moroccan culture can affect the stereotypes of (im)morality of a sample of Spanish participants regarding Moroccan immigrants as well as their attitude toward adopting Moroccan cultural patterns through a process of self-perceived unfreezing of previous beliefs. In a preliminary study, we explored what people of Moroccan origin would like Spaniards to learn from Moroccans. Then, using an intergroup experimental design, we randomly assigned participants to one of the following three conditions: (a) enrichment of Moroccan culture (using excerpts from actual discourses, n = 222), (b) exposure to Moroccan immigration rates (n = 238), or (c) a control condition (n = 181). The results revealed that the participants in the cultural enrichment condition experienced more self-perceived unfreezing of previous beliefs, perceived Moroccans as more moral (only vs. the immigration rates condition), and reduced their resistance to adopting Moroccan cultural patterns, even though the effects were small. Furthermore, self-perceived unfreezing of previous beliefs mediated the effect of the cultural enrichment condition on perceived morality (but not immorality) and on the adoption of Moroccan cultural patterns. We discuss how, by emphasizing the enrichment of Moroccan culture, we can increase the morality attributed to Moroccans and decrease the resistance of Spaniards to adopting that minority culture.es_ES
dc.publisherSeth Schwartzes_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectMajority Acculturationes_ES
dc.subjectCultural adoptiones_ES
dc.subjectSelf-perceived unfreezinges_ES
dc.titleGetting closer to the minority Culture: Experimental evidence of cultural enrichment to increase attributions of morality and majority adoption of Moroccan cultural patternses_ES

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