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dc.contributor.authorZapata Sierra, Antonio Jesús 
dc.contributor.authorMoreno Pérez, María Fátima
dc.contributor.authorReyes-Requena, Rafael
dc.contributor.authorManzano Agugliaro, Francisco Rogelio
dc.identifier.citationZapata-Sierra, A. J., Moreno-Pérez, M. F., Reyes-Requena, R., & Manzano-Agugliaro, F. (2021). Root distribution with the use of drip irrigation on layered soils at greenhouses crops. Science of the total environment, 768, 144944.es_ES
dc.description.abstractGreenhouse cultivation has proven to be an efficient solution to extra-early horticultural production, allowing the cycle of vegetable production to be closed throughout the year. This efficient solution depends on many factors, perhaps the main one being the localized irrigation system. On the other hand, the availability of water for irrigation will be one of the most limiting factors for the development of this agricultural practice. The permanent search for improving irrigation efficiency must be considered as one of the great challenges of sustainable agriculture and in the interest of environmental conservation. In this study, the distribution of the roots of the two main horticultural crops, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and peppers (Capsicum annuum L.), has been analyzed with the localized irrigation system. In addition, they have been studied for layered soils, which represent an advance in terms of resources, since they are artificial soils, where the natural soil does not allow a horticultural crop. It has been found for these stratified soils, that in pepper crop 90% of the root density is in the soil layer 0 to 9 cm. However, for tomato crops 90% of the root density is in the soil layer from 0 to 11 or 15.5 cm according to the type of soil, in other words filling almost all the added soil. The results obtained in this research allow the Hydrus 3D model for stratified soils to be calibrated. This work allows opening new perspectives in the efficient management of adding soils for new greenhouse construction and for localized irrigation of horticultural crops in general, tomato, and peppers in particular.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectWater stresses_ES
dc.subjectLayered soiles_ES
dc.titleRoot distribution with the use of drip irrigation on layered soils at greenhouses cropses_ES

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