Mostrando items 61-160

    climate change (3)
    cluster analysis (3)
    co-citation (3)
    co-citation analysis (3)
    Comercialización agroalimentaria (3)
    Comportamiento del consumidor (3)
    Consumer behavior (3)
    cross world research (3)
    Dependence (3)
    econophysics (3)
    extramural R&D (3)
    family management (3)
    financial mathematics (3)
    financial performance (3)
    FMCG (3)
    fruits and vegetables (3)
    Gender (3)
    greenhouse (3)
    healthcare quality (3)
    Historia Económica (3)
    intertemporal choice (3)
    intramural R&D (3)
    knowledge mapping (3)
    life expectancy at birth (3)
    literature review (3)
    Malmquist productivity index (3)
    Marketing channels (3)
    pairs trading (3)
    partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) (3)
    product innovation (3)
    Public economics (3)
    public expenditure (3)
    real options (3)
    social marketing (3)
    socioemotional wealth (3)
    Spain (3)
    stock market (3)
    Sustainability (3)
    Tourism (3)
    Trust (3)
    vaccine hesitancy (3)
    VOSviewer (3)
    wastewater (3)
    water management (3)
    Web of Science (3)
    WOS (3)
    Advertising (2)
    aerospace industry (2)
    agricultural economics (2)
    agroecology (2)
    Almería (2)
    Almócita (2)
    alternative crops (2)
    autonomy (2)
    biological control (2)
    blended learning (2)
    Brands (2)
    Canal de distribución (2)
    Canales de comercialización (2)
    case study (2)
    Cluster analysis (2)
    coastal aquifer (2)
    cocitation (2)
    Comercio minorista (2)
    Commitment (2)
    consumer behavior (2)
    Consumer choice (2)
    correlation (2)
    cost (2)
    Customer relationship management (2)
    Customer value (2)
    Customer value management (2)
    decision making (2)
    delay effect (2)
    desalinated seawater (2)
    digital transformation (2)
    economic growth (2)
    economy (2)
    Economía del agua (2)
    Ecuador (2)
    Education (2)
    education (2)
    effectiveness (2)
    efficiency (2)
    Emotional Value (2)
    Empresa familiar (2)
    energy (2)
    engagement (2)
    environmental protection (2)
    environmental services (2)
    Estudios de mercado (2)
    Ethnocentrism (2)
    Europe (2)
    eWOM (2)
    family business (2)
    Family Firms (2)
    family involvement in management (2)
    Family management (2)
    Farmer attitudes (2)
    finance (2)