Mostrando items 121-183

    Niños (1)
    Origen conocimiento psicopedagógico (1)
    Origin knowledge psychopedagogy (1)
    Pensamiento crítico (1)
    Perceived emotional intelligence (1)
    Percepción de costo (1)
    Percepción del alumnado (1)
    Personal epistemology (1)
    Physical health (1)
    Physics achievement (1)
    Physics education (1)
    Politécnicos (1)
    Polytechnic system (1)
    Preescolar (1)
    Preschool (1)
    Preservice teacher (1)
    Primary education (1)
    Proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje (1)
    Producción científica en psicopedagogía (1)
    Profesorado en activo (1)
    Profesorado en formación (1)
    Profesores universitarios (1)
    Proximal development zone (1)
    Psychological well-being (1)
    Reliability scale (1)
    Residential child care (1)
    Roles de género (1)
    Salud (1)
    Salud física (1)
    Salud mental (1)
    Satisfacción (1)
    Satisfacción con la vida (1)
    Satisfaction (1)
    Satisfaction with life (1)
    Scientific production of psychopedagogy (1)
    Self-esteem (1)
    Sexismo ambivalente (1)
    Sexist attitudes (1)
    Shared narratives (1)
    Sistema de tarjetas (1)
    Social support network (1)
    Social understanding (1)
    Spence Childrens' Anxiety Scale (1)
    Students' perceptions (1)
    Tareas auténticas (1)
    Teacher efficacy (1)
    Teacher training (1)
    Teachers' behavior (1)
    Teaching-learning process (1)
    Teoría de la mente (1)
    Theory of mind (1)
    Tiempo y energía (1)
    Time (1)
    Trait emotional intelligence (1)
    Transcultural (1)
    Turkish undergraduate students (1)
    University faculty (1)
    Usos educativos de las TIC (1)
    Validez interna y externa (1)
    Violencia de género (1)
    Well-being (1)
    Wellness (1)
    Zona de desarrollo próximo (1)