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dc.contributor.authorGuirado Hernández, Emilio 
dc.contributor.authorBlanco Sacristán, Javier
dc.contributor.authorRigol Sánchez, Juan Pedro 
dc.contributor.authorAlcaraz Segura, Domingo 
dc.contributor.authorCabello Piñar, Francisco Javier
dc.description.abstractClimate change and human actions condition the spatial distribution and structure of vegetation, especially in drylands. In this context, object-based image analysis (OBIA) has been used to monitor changes in vegetation, but only a few studies have related them to anthropic pressure. In this study, we assessed changes in cover, number, and shape of Ziziphus lotus shrub individuals in a coastal groundwater-dependent ecosystem in SE Spain over a period of 60 years and related them to human actions in the area. In particular, we evaluated how sand mining, groundwater extraction, and the protection of the area affect shrubs. To do this, we developed an object-based methodology that allowed us to create accurate maps (overall accuracy up to 98%) of the vegetation patches and compare the cover changes in the individuals identified in them. These changes in shrub size and shape were related to soil loss, seawater intrusion, and legal protection of the area measured by average minimum distance (AMD) and average random distance (ARD) analysis. It was found that both sand mining and seawater intrusion had a negative effect on individuals; on the contrary, the protection of the area had a positive effect on the size of the individuals’ coverage. Our findings support the use of OBIA as a successful methodology for monitoring scattered vegetation patches in drylands, key to any monitoring program aimed at vegetation preservation.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectarid zoneses_ES
dc.subjectseawater intrusiones_ES
dc.subjectsoil losses_ES
dc.subjecttime series classificationes_ES
dc.subjectvery high-resolution imageses_ES
dc.subjectZiziphus lotuses_ES
dc.subjectCabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Parkes_ES
dc.subjectSoutheast Spaines_ES
dc.titleA Multi-Temporal Object-Based Image Analysis to Detect Long-Lived Shrub Cover Changes in Drylandses_ES

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