Mostrando items 81-169

    Indian Literature in English (1)
    individual (1)
    individuo (1)
    infant shows (1)
    Inglés antiguo (1)
    instrucción (1)
    instruction (1)
    Interdisciplinary collaboration (1)
    Intertextualidad (1)
    Intertextuality (1)
    James Joyce (1)
    Joseph O’Connor (1)
    Landscape (1)
    Lazarillo (1)
    learning (1)
    lengua extranjera (1)
    listening comprehension (1)
    literatura india en lengua inglesa (1)
    Literatura y filosofía (1)
    Literature and Philosophy (1)
    léxico (1)
    Manju Kapur (1)
    Masculinidad (1)
    Masculinity (1)
    Metaphor (1)
    metaphor (1)
    Metáfora (1)
    metáfora (1)
    Metáfora conceptual (1)
    moral and punishment (1)
    moralidad y castigo (1)
    mujeres (1)
    new historicism (1)
    nineteenth-century British drama (1)
    novel (1)
    novela (1)
    novela dramática (1)
    novelas postmodernas (1)
    nuevo historicismo (1)
    objectives (1)
    objetivos (1)
    Old English (1)
    Paisaje (1)
    paso a la madurez (1)
    paternidad (1)
    patriarcado (1)
    patriarchy (1)
    pedagogía crítica (1)
    persuasive strategies (1)
    Peter Carey (1)
    picaresca (1)
    picaresque (1)
    Postmodern novels (1)
    Preface to the Pastoral Care (1)
    professional status (1)
    programas infantiles (1)
    publicidad (1)
    reescritura (1)
    religious discourse (1)
    rewriting (1)
    Robert Jephson (1)
    self-refl exivity (1)
    social class (1)
    speech acts (1)
    stock-characterisation (1)
    teatro angloirlandés (1)
    teatro británico del siglo XIX (1)
    televisión (1)
    teoría de "todo está en todo" (1)
    The Nature of Blood (1)
    The Shadow Lines (1)
    topografía (1)
    topography (1)
    traducción (1)
    Transatlanticism (1)
    Transatlanticismo (1)
    translation (1)
    TV studies (1)
    Ulises (1)
    Ulysses (1)
    uncanny (1)
    vacío (1)
    verbal conflict (1)
    Victorian heroines (1)
    Vocabulary (1)
    vocabulary development (1)
    women (1)
    “all in all" theory (1)
    “lo maravilloso” (1)