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dc.contributor.authorGarcía-Roca, Anastasio
dc.contributor.authorAmo Sánchez-Fortún, José Manuel de
dc.description.abstractIn this work we analyse the evolution of fanfictions related to four of the most popular current fandom series: Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games and Divergent. This is a descriptive investigation wherein the temporal evolution of fanfic production is studied. The research focuses mainly on the relationship between the periods of greatest creative fanfiction activity and the publishing of the different books of the respective series, their transmedia expansion and film adaptations, among others. The study has allowed us to observe that these fan communities are generally ephemeral, although strongly united by ties of affinity, as well as being creative and active. The results obtained suggest that these vernacular literary practices are the source not only of motivation, but also of a formative process of reading and writing that can be planned and developed in formal learning contextses_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectLiteracy, transmedia and Community participationes_ES
dc.titleJuvenile Literary Hypertextual Fanfiction: evolution, analysis and educational possibilitieses_ES

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